Sunday 10 November 2019

Theory of Graphic Design: Applications of Digital Graphics in Games

What are Digital Graphics?

A graphic is an image or visual representation of an object. Therefore, computer graphics are simply images displayed on a computer screen. Graphics are often contrasted with text, which is comprised of characters, such as numbers and letters, rather than images.
Computer graphics can be either two or three-dimensional. "Early computers only supported 2D monochrome graphics, meaning they were black and white (or black and green, depending on the monitor)". Eventually, computers began to support colour images. While the first machines only supported 16 or 256 colours, most computers can now display graphics in millions of colours.
2D graphics come in two types. Raster and Vector. Raster graphics are the most common and are used for digital photos, Web graphics, icons, and other types of images. They are composed of a simple grid of pixels, which can each be a different colour. However, Vector Graphics are made up of paths, which may be lines, shapes, letters, or other scalable objects. They are often used for creating logos, signs, and other types of drawings. Unlike raster graphics, vector graphics can be scaled to a larger size without losing quality.
3D graphics however have only been used more since the 1990's. Along with 3D rendering software such as CAD (Computer Aided Design) and 3D Animation software. During the beginning of the 2000's 3D Graphics began to be used in video games more and more, since computers had more processing power. nowadays all computers have 3D graphics cards installed.

What are They Used For?

Digital Graphics have five main purposes. these purposes are to educate, inform, advertise, promote and to entertain.


Graphics can be used to educate people. The graphics included in school textbooks are one example of this and books and magazines can also be educational. Posters might be used to educate in schools or included in magazines for children to pull out. Graphics used on websites might also be aiming to educate users. Education isn’t just for school children. Adults can also be educated using graphics. This can range from graphics that help them learn new skills to the health and safety posters in workplaces which might educate them about how to behave.


Graphics combining text and images can be used to give a direct message. These graphics might include signs and posters which direct people around a building, or might be used to tell people what to do or not to do in certain situations (for example, hazard warnings or safety warning signs). Leaflets are sometimes used to pass on information, perhaps at an event or ones designed to tell you about a place. If these are designed well they can be more attractive and effective at informing readers.


Digital graphics can be used to promote a product or service. Film posters, for example, promote new movies. Two examples, one modern and one from the 1940's, are shown to the left. They both keep to certain sets of rules, there are things that movie posters always have in them. Graphics can be used to promote places or events as well. These could be posters, flyers, billboards or online graphics. Websites might use promotions to promote sales or special offers and to attract new clients.


Businesses use adverts to promote their products or services. Adverts are often found in magazines or newspapers as well as online. An advert may be for a specific product or event or may be used to raise the profile of the business or organisation so that people think know about it. Adverts can also be used to promote particular events or deals - for example, a sale or a special offer. Sometimes adverts can be really simple, with only a small amount of information on them. These are about raising the profile of the brand rather than promoting a specific item for sale.


Digital graphics can simply be produce to entertain people. Magazines or books are often designed to entertain and graphics such as magazine or book covers can fall into this purpose. Comic strips, which can be online or in books, are another good example of this. The graphics included in multimedia or game products are also obvious examples of graphics designed to entertain. Part of entertaining can be to grab the attention of potential readers so that they are more likely to think about buying the product.

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