Thursday 14 November 2019

Theory of Digital Graphics: Image Capture, Image Output and Storage of Image Assets

Image Capture

To 'capture' an image means to take a recording of it, so that you may view it later. You can do this by using a variety of different recording media:


A scanner can be connected up to a computer or laptop, so that you can scan an image in. Usually, the image will be on a piece of A4 paper, as the maximum size most scanners can scan in is A4. After you have scanned the file, you will have a digital copy of the image or document, so that you can edit it digitally.

Digital camera

A digital camera allows you to take pictures of a current scene, such as a event or a group of people. After you have taken the picture, the image is stored on the SD card inside the camera, which can be removed and put into a computer, so that you can edit the files if you so wish.

Nikon D60 Digital SLR Camera 


A tablet is a device which you can plug into either your computer or laptop, and then draw images on the tablet screen and they will appear on screen. Tablet's are mainly used by artists, as this is a easy way to 'draw into' a digital device. Tablet's are available with screens on them, so that you can see more easily what you are drawing, rather than looking at the screen whilst you are drawing on another surface. These type's of tablet's may be more commonly referred to as "Graphics tablet's", as tablets can also mean "Tablet computers".

Image Output

Image output means any device or object in which you can display an image that has, usually, been produced digitally, or traditionally. 

Print media Computer/Laptop

You will be able to view images, such as drawings and promotional material, on a laptop or
Most work that is viewed on these types of devices can be altered in programmes such as Photoshop, or Paint. Computers/Laptops are used to display media which is usually only going to be seen by a few people, so it would not be ideal to use to show a large number of people information on a screen.


You can also project images onto surfaces using projectors. This will allow you to show media to an audience easily, but you may be unable to edit the media on-screen if you are using an older projector. Projectors are usually used when showing presentations to a large audience, either educational or for entertainment.

Printed media

Printed media can apply to a range of physical media, such as advertisements in magazines, posters or billboard advertisements. You will typically see advertisements in gaming magazines for new games, as this is their target audience. You will only typically see games advertised on Billboards if they have a large following, such as the Batman video game franchise, as they will more likely profit from this advertisement when compared to a game with a smaller following, such as the Silent Hill video game series. However, this could be seen as a way of appealing to a target audience, or if the company can afford to have these placements.

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